Tag Archives: fraud
Richard Wayne Bennett February 2014 Phone Message 2
Oh, my god, Life Coach. Why don’t you and all of your police and all that you have, why don’t you just come on down to f*ckin’ 5th avenue and pop on in. Sigourney knows that, I mean, maybe, you … Continue reading
Richard Wayne Bennett February 2014 Phone Message 1
You phony f*ck scammer. You lyin’ bastard. Hey, I’m on ya. I’m gonna case you around forever, Dave. This one’s going public. All of these credits that you have as a Life Coach, there’s just some… Oh, my goodness, on … Continue reading
Richard Wayne Bennett January 2014 Phone Messages
Oh, Dave… Come on, you can do better than that. I already have you answering machine recorded about your Life Coach. But I do know that you list this as your address and you’re doing business. You better have your … Continue reading
Richard W Bennett SSI and Vital Statistics Fraud
Richard W Bennett SSI and Vital Statistics Fraud In my continuing efforts to make people aware of who Richard W. Bennett AKA Laurence W. Bennett is and the extremes he will go to and lie and/or commit Fraud: This is … Continue reading