PFC Aaron Fairbairn and Bowe Bergdahl June 3 2014

Richard Wayne Bennett Statement Re PFC Aaron Fairbairn and Bowe Bergdahl June 3 2014

You f*cking piece of shit, Dave.

Now everybody’s on Aaron again and they’re bringing him up, like their still walkin’.

Because of your f*ckin’ frauds, and your crap.

Your f*cking hoaxes on Aaron’s death.

And all the other shit you did.

I assure you, you’re not getting away with this one.

Call the f*ckin’ cops.

I’m on your doorstep.

If I see one more thing, or hear one more thing…

I don’t even need to hear one more thing, Dave.

You are a f*cking whack-o.

And you take your f*cking buddy in Ohio and destroy Aaron again all over.

You rotten muther f*cker.


I’m going to go after you in a way that nobody in this f*ckin’ country can stop, Dave.

Count on.

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